
OnePath OneCare TPD Cover

  • 4th largest life insurer
  • $705m claims paid in 2023

Are you prepared if you were to permanently lose your ability to earn an income?

OnePath’s Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover will pay you a lump sum if you suffer an injury or illness that permanently prevents you from returning to work.

OnePath provides six types of cover that offer different levels of protection, including:

  • Own occupation: You are covered to receive a lump sum if the you suffer an injury or illness that renders you unable to work in your own occupation for 3 consecutive months, and you are unlikely to return to work in your own occupation in the future due to the injury or illness. Your own occupation is the one that you were most recently employed in.
  • Any occupation: This option will provide you with a lump sum payment if you suffer from an illness or injury that prevents you from ever working again in any occupation that you are reasonably suited to perform by education, training or experience.
  • Home-maker: If an injury or illness causes you to become unable to ever perform normal domestic duties again, you can submit a claim to receive a lump sum payment.
  • Non-working: You can submit a claim if you lose one or two limbs, or the sight in one or both eyes; are unable to perform at least two activities of daily living independently, such as eating, bathing, toileting and dressing, or require continuous care and supervision because of a total and permanent loss of intellectual capacity.

To learn more, read the OnePath Product Disclosure Statement or start a comparison online today.

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