
Does Life Insurance Cover Suicide?

Suicide is not an easy topic to discuss but it is an important one to address when considering life insurance.

If an applicant has considered or attempted suicide in past, the insurer will consider their circumstances on a case-by-case basis to understand their insurance options.

Before you complete an application, Lifebroker has a dedicated Revised Terms team that offer a pre-assessment service for our clients who have experienced mental illness.

The pre-assessment is anonymous and a revised terms specialist will approach our insurance providers on your behalf to get an understanding of your cover options.

It is also important to know that there is a standard exclusion for claims on suicide in the first 12 to 13 months of a life insurance policy, and self-inflicted injury is excluded from a claim for Total and Permanent Disability, Trauma and Income Protection insurance.

The application process and support

With a policy that is fully underwritten upfront, the insurer will consider your medical history, including any mental health problems, to understand the insurance options available to you.

This also means you will know what you are covered for before your policy commences, rather than when you are making a claim.

When applying for life insurance, it is important to remember that you may be required to discuss some sensitive topics. Our team of qualified insurance consultants and applications specialists are both understanding and experienced in supporting you through these conversations.

Always be sure to disclose as much information as possible during the application process, so the insurer has a good understanding of your circumstances and can provide you with an appropriate insurance outcome.

If you, or someone you know, need support please contact one of the following services:

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